
Originally known as the Spills, the Dupont Circles began life on the first floor of a Dupont Circle brownstone where they happily bashed out 60’s, 70’s and 80’s garage ‘n jangle classics along with a small handful of originals.  After seven years of playing for their own amusement, in 1995 former Lost Barbecue and Lunchbox guitarist, Mike Bennet, former standup comic, Bob Primosch, and fellow music nerd, Kelly Ross, left their cozy basement confines to head into WGNS Studios to record their two favorite numbers for posterity.  Released on Cara Records, the double A sided single, Sarah the Weather Girl b/w Everywhere Girl soon became a global sensation (well, at least it generated a small clamor in Japan for Dupont Circles merchandise and a world tour).  Buoyed by the appearance of Everywhere Girl on the seminal indiepop compilation Pop American Style, the band ventured back into the studio two years later to record another record, this time a 7” ep, again with Geoff Turner at WGNS.  While winning over fans such as Norway’s brilliant Tables, the pressure of releasing two singles in three years ultimately proved to be too much for the band, and bass player Kelly Ross departed.  After a several year hiatus, in the early ‘00’s, bassist Mike Kerwin, who had previously played with Bennet in Philadelphia postpunk instrumental combo, Lost Barbecue, joined the band, which began to dip their toes into the world of gigging, mesmerizing  small groups of spectators at the occasional festival, bar mitzvah, and club gig. Jonas Carnemark (guitar) and Amit Chatterjie (organ) joined the band in 2010, and began work at Carnemark’s KonstMusik studio on the CD now hopefully playing on your Hi Fi.


© 2024 The Dupont Circles. All rights reserved.

© 2024 The Dupont Circles.
All rights reserved.
